Educational and Research Institution
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) is one of the largest and oldest universities in Greece. (Official Website)
Who We Are
The Department of Agricultural Economics belongs to the School of Agriculture and in particular, the Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural Environment of AUTh. The Department of Agricultural Economics is composed of scientists with significant experience in projects. It also demonstrates significant experience in multidiscipline research areas and it has a long collaboration history with the agriculture policy-making sector, having participated in and coordinated many EU and national research projects in the field. In addition, the researchers of the department have been involved in several HORIZON, FP7, Erasmus, and Tempus and have organized workshops, international conferences, and educational and training activities.
Our Own Experience
The AUTh’s School of Agriculture and mainly, the Department of Agricultural Economics will contribute as a partner throughout the project. AUTh’s research expertise in Agricultural Management, Agricultural Extension, Water Resources Management Irrigation, and Climate change will be vital in providing practical recommendations. The involved team has extensively researched the aforementioned fields and has participated in relevant EU projects, publishing its work in peer-reviewed journals. A short list of relative projects is provided:
Network for effective knowledge transfer on safe and economic wastewater reuse in agriculture in Europe (SuWaNu Europe)
Sustainable processing and nutrient reuse of water (SUWANU)
Sustainable agri-food systems and rural development in the Mediterranean Partner Countries (SUSTAINED)
Master in Agricultural and Hydrological Approaches to Better Sustainable Development (MAYA)
Training Course for Teaching Staff in the Field of Sustainable Land Management in Egypt (Il-ham)
Strengthening European Food Chain Sustainability by Quality and Procurement Policy (Strength2Food)
Fork-to-farm agent-based simulation tool augmenting BIOdiversity in the agri-food VALUE chain (BIOVALUE)
Konstadinos Mattas
I’m a Professor of Agricultural Policy. My research interests include Agricultural and Social Policy, Rural Development, and Interdisciplinary work. I have published more than 200 papers in international refereed journals, in collective volumes and proceedings. I have contributed to several international conferences, served as a referee, and as an editor of several international journals. I have great experience in participating in and coordinating European and national research projects, including STRENGTH2FOOD, AGRICORE, FADNTOOL, SuWaNu Europe, MAYA, ILHAM-EC, BioValue, Eco-Ready, and in organizing national and international workshops, seminars, and conferences.

I have served on several relevant EU and National Food Policy Committees. In EWA BELT, I’m the AUTh’s team leader and I will coordinate the involved team to achieve the objectives of the project in WP1, WP2, and WP6 on time. Personal website for further information about work and research projects:
Stefanos Nastis

I’m a Professor of Agricultural Production Economics and Agricultural Economic Development. My research focuses on the interplay between agricultural economics and environmental economics focusing on topics such as farm adaptation to climate change, farm efficiency and agricultural productivity analysis, crop biodiversity, innovations in farm planning and farm management, water resources management, and information technologies in farm management.
I have published in international refereed journals and participated in several national and international projects. I’m the associate editor of the “Biodiversity Journal International”. I have participated in the organization committee of several national and international workshops and conferences. In EWA BELT, I will be involved in WP6 and mainly, in WP2 for the definition of guidelines on sustainability criteria related to the different topics (land recovery, soil and water management) and for developing the DPSIR model.
Anastasios Michailidis
I’m a Professor of Agricultural Extension. My expertise lies in the fields of agricultural economics, agricultural extension, agricultural education, diffusion of innovations, investment analysis, water resources management, policy analysis, risk and uncertainty, Information- Communication Technologies, rural development, and farming socioeconomic impacts. I’m in the editorial of “SpringerPlus” and the “American Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology”. I have published in international refereed journals and have participated in over 30 international research projects. I have participated in the organizing committee of several national and international conferences and workshops.

n EWA BELT, I will be involved in WP6 and mainly, in WP2 for the definition of guidelines on sustainability criteria related to the different topics (land recovery, soil and water management) and for developing the DPSIR model.
Christos Mattas

I’m Teaching Staff of the Geology Department at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. My research interests include hydrogeology and water resources management. My education includes a B.Sc., a M.Sc., and a Ph.D. in Hydrogeology from the School of Geology of Aristotle University. I have participated as a team member in several projects regarding hydrogeological research, water resources, and environmental issues. I have published papers in international refereed journals and proceedings. In EWA BELT, I will be involved in WP6 and mainly, in WP2 for the definition of guidelines on sustainability criteria related to the different topics (land recovery, soil and water management) and for developing the DPSIR model.
Pantazis Georgiou
I’m a Professor of Irrigation Water Management and Irrigation at the School of Agriculture, Department of Hydraulics, Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering, Laboratory of General and Agricultural Hydraulics and Land Reclamation. My research interests include Irrigation, Crop water An EU H2020 PROJECT EWA-BELT 4 requirements and irrigation scheduling, Crop yield response to water, Design and operation of irrigation reservoirs, Water resources management, Climate change, and Droughts.
I have participated as a team member in several projects regarding hydrogeological research and environmental issues. I have many publications in international refereed journals. In EWA BELT, I will be involved in WP6 and mainly, in WP2 for the definition of guidelines on sustainability criteria related to the different topics (land recovery, soil and water management) and for developing the DPSIR model.

Lazaridou Dimitra

I’m an Assistant Professor of Forest Economics. My research focuses on environmental and natural resource economics, sustainable use of natural resources and rural development, bio-economy, agro-environmental policy, agricultural education training, innovations in farm planning and farm management, and water resources management. I have published in international refereed journals and proceedings. I have participated as a team member in several national and international research projects.
In EWA BELT, I will be involved in WP6 and mainly, in WP2 for the definition of guidelines on sustainability criteria related to the different topics (land recovery, soil and water management) and for developing the DPSIR model.