Giovanna Seddaiu, EWA-BELT Project Coordinator, spoke on behalf of the Project at the InnovAfrica Final Conference. The event showcased the main results of InnovAfrica project, to improve food and nutrition security (FNS) in six case study countries (Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, South Africa, and Tanzania) in Africa by integrating sustainable agriculture intensification systems (SAIs) and innovative institutional approaches (IIAs) with novel extension and advisory services (EASs), and the key recommendations for policy and practice. The event provided opportunities to:
Share the approaches, findings and lessons learned for policy and practice, and interactive online session to explore sustainability impacts of SAIs, IIAs and EASs.
Present the major outcomes/impacts (scientific/social/economic) of SAIs, IIAs and EASs on food security and sustainable agriculture in Africa.
Gain insights from farmers about their experiences of using project interventions; and network with key stakeholders working on EU-Africa research and innovation on FNSSA.
Project results will contribute to the implementation of the United Nation’s SDGs 2, 13, 15, EU-Africa R&I partnership on FNSSA, and National Food security Strategic Plans.
The target audience of this conference were the national public authorities, the scientific community, value chain actors, farmer organisations, the European Commission/EU, NGOs, and civil society organisations.
The Conference took place on 12 and 13 October 2021.