Research Institution
Nazi BONI University (UNB) is the former Polytechnic University of Bobo-Dioulasso; it is located at Bobo Dioulasso the second biggest town of Burkina Faso with centers at Gaoua and Banfora. The university comprises institutes, high schools, and university centers. It is a Public university with scientific, cultural, and technical character in charge of higher education and research activities. The main tasks assigned to UNB are 1) implementing capacity building students; 2) conducting research and technology extension 3) issuing titles and diplomas; and 4) promoting skills in all sectors of the country. UNB has more than 150 research professors conducting teaching and research activities in seven (7) high schools or institutes one doctoral school, and two (2) University Centers in the fields of medicine, languages and Sociology, Sciences and techniques, law and economy, rural development (agronomy, zootechnics, forestry). Research activities at UNB are carried out by pluridiciplinary teams of professors, and doctoral and postdoctoral students in 13 laboratories, working on different thematic about the development issues in Burkina Faso. The activities of the EWABELT project will be conducted in the Laboratory of Study and Research on Soil Fertility (LERF), a section of the Doctoral school that used to conduct similar projects.
Who We Are
The Laboratory of Study and Research on soil fertility (LERF) is a section of the Doctoral School of Agronomy and Applied life science of Nazi BONI University. The laboratory staff includes a multidisciplinary team of 11 professors, 10 PhD students, and 10 master's students. The laboratory works in strong collaboration with the author 12 laboratories of UNB and the research team of the Department of Vegetal Production of INERA.
Our Own Experience
Since its creation in 2009, the Laboratory of Study and research on soil fertility (LERF) has been carrying out research and training activities in different aspects of soil fertility management, soil characterization in farming systems, agro-pastoralism, and characterization of farming systems in Burkina Faso. The laboratory is currently conducting several projects with various partners. Since 2017, we have been conducting the Bioprotechsol project in collaboration with Université de Liège and funded by ARES (; in the frame of the program H2020, our laboratory is working in EWA-BELT project where it is mainly involved in WP2 as lead institution and the project SustainSAHEL where it is involved in the implementation of the WP5.
Mamadou Traore
I am Mamadou TRAORE, a professor in soil science with 19 years of experience in research, lecturing, and collaboration with development projects. I have been involved in several projects in Burkina Faso for soil characterization and soil fertility management. Concerning research activities and collaboration, I am currently a member of the research team of the BIOPROTECHSOL. From 2011 to 2014 I coordinated the research team of Burkina Faso in the framework of Project APESS/CORAF/ AUSAID on « Sustainable Intensification of Integrated Farming Systems to Increase Agropastoral Productivity and Food Security in West and Central Africa».

In the EWABELT project, I am the team leader in Burkina Faso; my team is contributing to WP2, as lead of the Task 2.2. Modification of the climate, soil, nutrient, and water environment. My tasks will be the daily coordination of the project activities and conducting research activities.
Hassan Bismarck Nacro

I am Hassan Bismarck NACRO, Full Professor in Agropedology and Natural Resources Management. I have more than 23 Years in research and capacity building at several levels. I have been Deputy Director and Director of the Rural Development Institute, Vice President of UNB, and Deputy Director of the Doctoral School of Natural Sciences and Agronomy. I am currently the Director of the Soil Fertility Study and Research Laboratory. My research works focus on the management of natural resources, integrated soil fertility management, and sustainable plant and animal productivity.
From 2012 to 2015 and since 2019, I have been working for CILSS as an Expert in Natural Resources Management and Coordinator of the Master in Pastoralism. I have coordinated numerous research projects and participated in national and international research teams on the issues of soil fertility management. In the EWA-BELT project, my main task will be mentoring the research team, supervising doctoral and master students, internally reviewing the reports and papers, and lobbying with decision-makers in the project intervention areas in Burkina Faso.
Kalifa Coulibaly
I am Kalifa COULIBALY a professor in agroecology with 7 years of experience in research and capacity building. I am currently the Director of research and technology extension at the UNB. My research focuses on the co-construction of cropping systems related to conservation agriculture and ecological intensification, organic soil fertility management through the insertion of legume plants, and the use of organic substrates. In the EWA-BELT project, I am working on Sub-task 2.2.2: Soil Management and Sub-task 2.2.3: Water Management.

Salifou Ouédraogo

I am Salifou Ouédraogo assistant professor, I started my career in 2008 as a university lecturer and I have held various positions, including the Director of Students Life at the UNB and, board member of the National Center of Student Helps at the Ministry of Higher education and scientific research and I am currently the Director of the Institute of Rural Development at UNB. My research activities focus on animal feeding and the integration of cattle breeding in the farming systems in Burkina Faso.
I have been involved in two research projects: "The Valorization of Local Ingredients as Feed and Medicine for Ruminants" funded by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and "Local Cattle of Burkina Faso, Characterization and Sustainable Use", funded by Austrian Development Cooperation (APPEAR). In the EWA-BELT project, I will be investigating - task 2.3: Agri-livestock integrated management.
Patrice Toe
I am Patrice TOE professor in socio-anthropology. I have more than 22 years of experience in collaborative research and capacity building. During my career at the UNB, I have held several administrative positions and I am currently the vice president of UNB. Since January 2001 I have been a National expert and senior researcher at the European Union (EU) under the Regional Park Program W (ECOPAS) and a Member of the Steering Committee of the Partnership Research Facility on Ecological Intensification and Design of Innovations in the Agro-Sylvo-Pastoral Systems of West Africa (DP/ASAP).

My research activities are focused on the dynamics of farming systems and determinants of the adoption of technology packages by communities. In the EWA-BELT project, I will be working on the socio-economic aspects of the technologies task 2.1. task 2.2 and task 2.3.