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NEW IN! A Joint YouTube channel by all the projects under the EU Horizon2020 SFS35-2019/2020 - Sustainable Intensification in Africa

EWABELT, SustInAfrica, SustainSahel, UPSCALE and Soils4Africa join the hands and launch the Joint YouTube Channel "SFS35 H2020 Projects - SI in Africa"

With their common mission to promote Sustainable Intensification in the African continent, the projects EWABELT, SustInAfrica, SustainSahel, UPSCALE and Soils4Africa bring their cooperation a step forward by launching a Joint YouTube channel "SFS35 H2020 Projects - SI in Africa" to exchange and share best practices carried out by their respective consortium.

The channel leverages the unique strengths and research activities of each collaborator, offering a dynamic and multifaceted experience to discover more about research and innovation efforts to address food-security challenges, including agroecological issues, push and pull technologies and soil management techniques. In doing so, it represents a unique opportunity to disseminate the activities, practices and results implemented and achieved by the collaborating Projects to a wider audience while also promoting the broader objectives of sustainable intensification of agricultural farming systems in Africa and Soil Information System for Africa.

To join the journey and discover the activities carried out by the Consortia, subscribe to the channel SFS35 H2020 Projects - SI in Africa (@sfs35) and stay tuned for upcoming releases!

For media inquiries, please contact:

OCCAM - Observatory on Digital Communication

About the involved partners:

EWABELT - African countries suffer from high levels of food and nutrition insecurity exacerbated by the increasing impact of climate change on agricultural production. The Sustainable Intensification (SI) approach offers practical ways to increase agricultural yield while preserving natural resources (water, soil, biodiversity, and land) and the flow of ecosystem services. SI requires fitting interventions according to local needs and contexts. Based on these assumptions, the EWA-BELT project aims at promoting food production systems through SI in representative small-holder farming systems of different agro-climatic areas of East (Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania) and West (Burkina Faso, Ghana, Sierra Leone) Africa and, consequently, to realize an interregional African “belt” able to promote SI by assessing and exchanging best practices and experiences among different contexts.​

SustInAfrica - SustInAfrica is a research project empowering West and North African smallholder farmers and small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to facilitate sustainable intensification of African farming systems. We aim to develop and deploy a reference framework on best agricultural practices and technologies, based on a systems approach, and successfully verified for their efficacy to intensify primary production in a self-sufficient, sustainable and resilient manner.

SustainSahel - SustainSahel project's full name is 'Synergistic use and protection of natural resources for rural livelihoods through systematic integration of crops, shrubs and livestock in the Sahel'. The overall goal of SustainSahel is to promote practices which enhance soil quality and yields, build resilience towards climate change, and contribute to food security and better livelihoods. The project's approach is embedded within the themes of agroecology, organic agriculture and elements of conservation agriculture. SustainSahel has 17 partners from 9 countries, representing the European and African continents. The project is coordinated by FiBL and is funded under Horizon 2020, the European Union's framework programme for research and innovation.

UPSCALE - UPSCALE aims to take key steps to realize the transformative potential of push-pull technology, to address food security, livelihoods and climate change resilience in the sub-Saharan region of East Africa, while reducing the environmental impact of agricultural practices. For this, it fosters the design, adaptation and adoption of strategies for integrated agro-ecological management based on push-pull technology for wide-spread and climate-resilient sustainable intensification.

Soils4Africa - Funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union, Soils4Africa will put in place by 2024 an Open-data Soil Information System (SIS). The SIS will enable farmers, agri-businesses, scientists, and policymakers in their efforts towards sustainable intensification of agriculture and boosting food security; by improving the quality and availability of African soil data.

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